Sunday, July 29, 2012

Ozzie update

We had a great time yesterday. The weather was beautiful - 18 degrees in winter. We went to Crescent Head, and spent time at the beach and the playground. The kids loved it. Ella-Rose and Joseph went for a swim in the estuary, but the other 2 were not so keen, so just played in the sand.
The kids enjoyed spotting Rainbow Lorikeets and watching 3 pelicans have a fight over a massive fish head - and then attempting to swallow it.

Me trying to look pregnant.

Ella-Rose getting herself comfy on the driveway eating a pear.

resisting a smile for the camera

Anna-Maria wearing her '100 days at school' hat and necklace

Anna-Maria had fun digging a hobbit-hole. We are reading 'The Hobbit' together as a family... and it is amazing to see their little imaginations run wild as they incorporate what they learn into their play.